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Contact Directories

Easily make contact information available for viewing and importing.

If you're looking to put a list of people and their contact information on your website then the Contact Directory is the way to go.

You can have as many Contact Directories as you like but each one allows you to categorise your contacts so that visitors can easily find the people they're looking for. If you're wanting to just list general information about your staff or BOT members then you might be better off using the Profile Areas instead.

We can add a new Contact Directory from the ‘Add a New’ menu. You'll get this page:

Adding a new Contact Directory

Adding a New Contact Directory

When you're setting up a new Contact Directory you just need to give it a Name and an optional Description. After you've added your new Directory you can then click on it and ‘Add a New’ Contact to the Directory.

As you can see, there's plenty of scope as far as the type of information you can record about each Contact. All of the information is optional except for the ‘Name’ of the Contact. If you don't enter a certain piece of information it won't show up in the Directory on your website's front-end.

A special feature of the Contact Directory is the ability to define ‘Categories’ on the fly when you're adding a Contact. For example, if you realise that the Contact you're adding doesn't fit into any of the Categories you've already added you can just type a new one into the ‘Categories’ box. A Contact can belong to many Categories at once. To do this you just type them in and separate them with commas.

Adding a New Contact

Viewing Your Contact Directory

Viewing Your Contact Directory

When you've finished adding your Contacts you can view the list of contacts on the website.

As you can see I've added some Contacts and have used Categories to separate them out. Spike@School automatically creates a ‘jump list’ at the top of the page so that users can quickly jump down to the Category they want to view.

Categories are also optional. If you only want to list all the Contacts in one big group just don't type in any Categories.