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Notice Areas

Easily display and organise notices to keep your community informed now and in the future.

Notice Areas make it convenient to display short Notices on your website in an organised manner. Schools usually use them to post their Daily Notices.

Once you've added a Notice Area you can add as many Notices to it as you like, you can add multiple Notices per day and you can set up Notices to appear in the future.

To add a new Notice Area select Notice Area from the ‘Add a New’ menu in the Construction Zone. You’ll get this page:

Add a new Notice Area

Creating Notices

A Notice consists of a Title, the Start and End Dates, and the Notice Body. Notices with Start and End Dates set in the future will only appear on the public view of your website when their time comes.

You use the same Spike@School special HTML in-browser Editor that you use for Pages to create your Notice. This means you can customise your Notices by adding pictures and changing the text as you like.

Add a new Notice

On your website when a visitor goes into the Notice Area they will see all of the current Notices straight away and will be able to click on Notices up to one month old that appear in a list below the current Notices.

Users can even subscribe to the RSS Feed using their feed reader of choice and be automatically notified when new Notices are posted.

Viewing your Notices