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Upcoming Event Sets

Easily show a linear progression of events that are happening in the near future at your school.

Upcoming Event Sets provide you with a more visually appealing way to show Events that are happening in the near future in a simpler way than a Calendar.

This provides a quick and easy way for viewers to see what’s coming up at your school.

To add an Event Set select Upcoming Event Set from the ‘Add a New’ menu in the Construction Zone and give your new Set a Name and Description:

Adding an Upcoming Events Set

Adding New Events

Once you've added your Set you can click on it and start adding your Upcoming Events.

You can give each Event a Title, Date & Time, Location, Short Description, Long Description, and an optional Price and URL. You can remove the Event from the site at any time by unticking the ‘Active’ box.

Adding a new Event

Once you've added all of your Events you'll be able to see them displayed in an easy to view manner on your site.

The great part about Upcoming Events is that they will disappear off the list once the date they are on passes. This happens automatically. You can reuse an expired Event simply by editing its Date.

Viewing your Upcoming Events

Download Your Events

Another cool feature is that you can download an Event, or all of the Events, into your Outlook (or other) Calendar using the vEvent format. Just like our Contact Directories we encode the Events on the page using the hCalendar format so that future hCalendar readers will be able to read the Events straight off the page!